We will provide a chili dinner for approximately 50 people and host a game of bingo complete with prizes.
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The Illumination of New Wine – January 19 [traditional]
(click on caret to listen to the sermon) https://nwhillsumc.org/mp3/2025.01.25.1100-Rev.JJWicke-TheIlluminationofNewWine.mp3 Message: The Illumination of New Wine…
The Illumination of New Wine – January 19 [contemporary]
(click on caret to listen to the sermon) https://nwhillsumc.org/mp3/2025.01.25.0900-Rev.JJWicke-TheIlluminationofNewWine.mp3 Message: The Illumination of New Wine…
Saved to Serve the Whole World – January 12 [traditional]
(click on caret to listen to the sermon) https://nwhillsumc.org/mp3/2025.01.12.1100-Rev.JJWicke-SavedtoServetheWholeWorld.mp3 Message: Saved to Serve the Whole…
Saved to Serve the Whole World – January 12 [contemporary]
(click on caret to listen to the sermon) https://nwhillsumc.org/mp3/2025.01.12.0900-Rev.JJWicke-SavedtoServetheWholeWorld.mp3 Message: Saved to Serve the Whole…
Children – January 12
(click on caret to listen to the sermon) https://nwhillsumc.org/mp3/2025.01.12.0900-HeatherTaylor-Children.mp3 Children’s Time Heather Taylor
Listening to God – January 5 [traditional]
(click on caret to listen to the sermon) https://nwhillsumc.org/mp3/2025.01.05.1100-Rev.JJWicke-ListeningtoGod.mp3 Message: Listening to God Text: Matthew…