Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

Welcome to Northwest Hills UMC

Prayer and Praise Service
Gather in the Wesley Chapel for our monthly Prayer and Praise gathering on Thursday, Feb. 20th, in the Wesley Chapel at 7pm. This monthly service gives folks the opportunity to share communion, worship, and their prayer joys and concerns.
Women's Bible Study
Topic of discussion: the first 3 chapters of Revelation and the 7 churches following a Max Lucado video study.
Serve at St. Mark's Food Pantry
Join a group of folks from Northwest Hills on a field trip to St. Mark UMC where we will serve alongside our neighbors in their food pantry.
Austin CROP Walk 2025
Join us on Sunday, March 2nd at Camp Mabry to celebrate the 47th Annual Austin CROP Hunger Walk.

You can participate by joining our team to walk or making a donation in support of our team. All proceeds go toward ending hunger here in Austin and around the world.
Ash Wednesday, March 5th
We'll have three opportunities on Ash Wednesday for folks to receive ashes and mark the beginning of Lent. An 8am morning service with a pancake breakfast in the FLC gym, drive-by ashes in the parking lot from 12-1pm, and a service at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.
Open Door Brunch at University UMC
Prepare and serve a hearty brunch to neighbors in need. OR sort/organize and fill orders for clothing from The Fig Leaf for brunch attendees.
Folks are invited to play Pickleball in the gym (upstairs in the FLC) on Wednesday mornings from 9:30. No experience required! This is a fun and friendly space for beginners and seasoned veterans alike. Paddles and balls provided but you are welcome to use your own paddle.
Folks are invited to gather every Sunday evening for pickup basketball in the gym upstairs in the FLC.
UMM Men's Breakfast
Every Wednesday morning at 8:00 AM, men gather for breakfast, fellowship, and prayer.
Men's Clothing Closet
Volunteers meet every Thursday morning at 5:15 AM at First UMC downtown to help distribute clothing to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. 

Service Times

Sundays at 9 am | Contemporary Worship | Online | In-Person
Sundays at 11 am | Traditional Worship | Online | In-Person
Nursery open for both 9 and 11 am

Small groups & Sunday school classes are meeting in-person and virtually

Communion is served every Sunday at both services.

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Children – February 16

(click on caret to listen to the sermon) Children’s Time Heather Taylor

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Children – February 9

(click on caret to listen to the sermon) Children’s Time Heather Taylor

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