What do Methodists believe?
We believe that God is the creator and sustainer of the universe. We believe that all people are loved by God and God hears our prayers.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ was God in human form. We believe that Jesus Christ died on a cross for us and our sins. We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and his resurrection allows us to have a life after death. He said, “Because I live, you will live also.”
Holy Spirit
We believe that God’s Spirit is with us on earth. The Holy Spirit guides us to God and nudges us to grow in faith.
Forgiveness of Sins and Salvation
We believe that if we ask God to forgive our sins and put our faith in Christ, we will be forgiven and granted the gift of eternal life.
United Methodists view the Bible as authoritative, but we also value intellect and modern science. We recognize that the world is not always black and white. We are willing to wrestle with difficult questions and we follow the teaching of our founder, John Wesley, who said, “Think and let think.”

Anti-racism Resources
Read How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibrim X. Kendi.
Read White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin DiAngelo. Or watch her speak.
Other titles are available at Cokesbury.com
A United Methodist Pastor in Ferguson, Missouri, offers helpful tips for talking about race.
Suggested Resources for Becoming Anti-Racist: Discipleship Ministries.
What can you do?
Pray: Ask God to show us the truth of our sin and how we might become agents of God’s justice, mercy, love, and re-creation. Cry out to God for guidance. Listen for the voice of Jesus in meditation, Bible study, worship, and conversation to guide our ways. Proclaim release, recovery, and liberation for the oppressed.
Connect: Talk to people within and beyond the church who are doing anti-racism well. Ask questions. Listen to and respect diverse voices. Learn how and where racism shows in your community and how others are harmed by its effects. Harness United Methodist and other resources that address institutional racism.
Show Up: Be present to the pain of another. Attend a prayer vigil. Join a demonstration. Organize a church school class to read, discuss, and respond to institutional racism. Tell church leaders, community leaders, and elected officials that you want to learn and help with dismantling racism in your community.
Act: Support cross-racial/cross-cultural ministries in your area. Preach and teach about the harm racism does and how it offends our God. Harness the Holy Spirit anointing to rid your congregation and ministry settings of all vestiges of institutional racial bias. Challenge your bishop, mayor, governor, police chief, or other elected officials to encode anti-racism policies and practices. Join the ongoing work for racial justice in the church and world.