Children’s Ministry
Energizing kids and families with the love of Jesus in a safe and fun atmosphere
Children’s Church
Sundays: 9:20 – 10am.
Bring your family to worship in the sanctuary at 9 am. After Children’s Time, volunteers will lead your kiddos to the Family Life Center (FLC) where they will learn more about Jesus through creative and fun lessons.
Parents pick up their kids in the FLC lobby after worship.
Sundays: 9:55 – 10:15am.
Children’s music at NWHUMC is happening! Children have weekly music sessions and present their music in worship throughout the year.
Early Elementary, meet in the chapel with Ms. Glenda.
Upper Elementary, meet in the choir room.
Children will return to their classrooms in the FLC at 10:15 am.
“Son Shine” Hour
Sundays: 10:15 – 11am.
After children are led back into worship for Communion at 9:50 a.m., children are invited back into the FLC for more crafting, games, and other fun activities, such as basketball and dance. Parents can attend any of the Sunday school classes on campus. Parents pick up their kids in the FLC lobby at 11 a.m. or whenever is convenient during the 10-11 a.m. hour.
Contact Anna at for more information about adult Sunday school classes.
Nursery Care
Nursery care is available from 8:45 – noon on Sunday mornings. Our new nursery is located in the Family Life Center adjacent to the Sanctuary.
Kid-Friendly Sanctuary
Jesus said, “let the little children come to me,” and we think he meant it — so we’ve worked to create a sanctuary space that welcomes children into God’s presence. On the right side of the sanctuary near the piano, we have a children’s play area stocked with Lego™ and other fun toys where kids can hang out during service. Additionally, children’s activity binders with coloring pages, mazes, and other fun activities can be found in the rear of the sanctuary.
All of our staff and volunteers who work with Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults at Northwest Hills UMC are required to pass a background check and complete safety trainings through Safe Gatherings and the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church ensure the well-being of all children in our care. Volunteers are required to recertify their training and complete an new background check every two years.