Worship In-person
In-person Worship
We worship in-person at both our 9 am Contemporary service and our 11 am Traditional service.
Elementary-aged children are invited and encouraged to serve as acolytes at both the 9 and 11 o’clock services. To sign your children up to acolyte, click here. Questions? Contact our Children’s Director, Heather Taylor at heather@nwhillsumc.org.
Masks are no longer required to attend worship at Northwest Hills UMC; however, they are available in the narthex for folks as needed.
We will continue to Livestream both services on YouTube and Facebook, and invite you to worship online if you are feeling under the weather.
What to Expect
What Do I Do When I Arrive for Worship?
There will be a greeter or two inside the main entrance who will provide directions, information and a name tag. As you enter the worship space, an usher will provide you with a worship bulletin. You may sit anywhere you like, provided that it is an open pew.
What is Appropriate Attire for Worship?
We are excited to meet you, whether you like to dress up or come as you are.
What About Children?
Our nursery, located on the first floor of the FLC building, is open from 8:45 – 12:15 pm on Sunday mornings.
Children are invited to remain in the sanctuary with their parents. We have a children’s play area set up on the right side of the Sanctuary with LEGO and other activities. Please don’t worry if your kids are tired or fussy or make noise during worship. The sounds of children are a blessing and joy, and we welcome your children and your family in our worship.
For more information about our Children’s Ministry, click here.
Communion is celebrated each Sunday at both services. At Northwest Hills UMC, all are welcome to Christ’s table.
How Do I Get There and What About Parking?
Northwest Hills UMC is located at 7050 Village Center Drive. You may park anywhere in our parking lot (we do have guest parking spaces!). Walk towards the open courtyard and follow the signs directing you to the sanctuary.
What Happens When the Service is Over?
We invite you to stay and talk with others and with our pastor following the service. There is a welcome table to the left when you exit the sanctuary, and we would love the opportunity to personally welcome you and get to know you better.