We were tired after a week in the Valley doing home repair and community service and sunburned from a day at the beach celebrating all that God had done that week…but we had Whataburger and each other and we were happy and so full.

The best way to stay up to date on youth happenings is to subscribe to our weekly email newsletter, The Rundown, where we detail all of our upcoming events for the week and beyond.

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Summer U.M. ARMY Mission Trip
Mason, Texas, July 6th – 12th

TODAY you can register to attend our mission trip to Mason, Texas, where we’ll unite with youth from all over Texas to be the hands and feet of Christ by serving our neighbors in need while also having a super good time and growing our faith in both God and ourselves.  What more could you ask for???

While camp costs $275 per participant, we only ask that families provide $100 per student and cover the rest of the cost through fundraising.  Payment is not due at time of registration and scholarships are available.

This summer will be our 4th straight trip with U.M. ARMY and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in Mason.

Weekly Bible Study

In addition to Sunday School, most Mondays (unless otherwise specified), youth from Northwest Hills UMC gather to kick it and read from the good book.  Our Monday group was previously reading through Luke, but will begin reading Ephesians on Monday, March 31st.

On Monday, we’ll begin with a brief overview of the letter to the Ephesians, exploring its author, audience, purpose, and key themes, before diving into the the poem that Paul opens this letter with in Ephesians 1:3-14.

Sunday School

Yon Sunday is a good and glorious fifth Sunday, meaning all who gather to sing praises to the Good Lord must set their alarms ahead one hour post-haste and forego ye olde Sunday School hour in favor of a most momentous gathering of ye full and gracious body of congregants during the tenth hour of our Lord’s most holy day.  

On fifth Sundays, we have a tradition at Northwest Hills UMC to gather for one service of worship at 10am followed by a Potluck.  Therefore, we will not have Sunday school, though all are invited and encouraged to attend worship with their families and then gather in the FLC kitchen to break bread together as our Lord has instructed.
 Do not gather in the Bride’s Room at 10am.

Paintball (With Lake Travis UMC)


On April 8th from 5:30 – 7:30pm, Rockbridge Church in Cedar Park is hosting a QPR training sponsored by the Horizon Texas Conference. QPR is a suicide prevention training and this will be specifically geared towards adults(or 16+) serving as volunteers or staff in children/youth/young adult ministry settings. While this is a heavy topic, that makes it all the more important to be prepared for. Callie Barbee, a Youth Ministry Director in the HTC Conference, will be facilitating the evening. The Horizon Texas UMC Conference has made it so that she can join us and bring some free books for participants. This will be a great training opportunity if you’re available. Also, there will be free tacos.🌮 

Those who complete the training will receive a certificate of completion and have the opportunity to take some additional books and resources home for free.


Our annual Pre-Easter Lock-in will be held on Saturday, April 19th! More information and registration to come. 

Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 – A DAY OF DOMINATION

After a Sunday of PURE DOMINATION, our youth are the REIGNING CHAMPIONS of the Greater Austin Area United Methodist Youth Annual Scavenger Hunt!  

Tasked with completing a myriad of absolutely insane, and dare I say, at times, unhinged, challenges around the Domain and documenting them via photo and video, our youth stepped up to the plate and knocked the ball out of the flipping park!

We got makeovers for the Lord, we got our ears pierced for the Lord, some of us even begged for sushi from strangers for the Lord but no amount of public shame can tarnish the fact that WE ARE CHAMPIONS!!!  

Congrats to Northwest Hills UMC Youth on being quantifiably THE BEST!  Check out a few more pictures from this year’s Scavenger Hunt below.

Hey! You made it to the end! Can you believe it? Give yourself a pat on the back. That was some serious scrolling.
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